Many starting points – one conclusion
By Anton Lutz
For my final guest blog post, I’ll let this picture do the talking. I encourage you to think back over this series of blog posts I’ve provided and link the ideas and discussion back to the points in this image. And to realize that the end point can only be one thing – to end sorcery accusation related violence (SARV) completely and forever.
What are you now thinking about sorcery accusation related violence?
What ideas have you come up with to help others see this needs to end?
And what are you doing to help end sorcery accusation related violence in your community and province? Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and actions in the comments below.
Finally, I hope you have enjoyed this series of guest blog posts I’ve added here. I hope you have learned something new and feel inspired to share your thoughts with others. Most of all, I have enjoyed the opportunity to share my thoughts with you, and I thank you for taking the time to read them. Anton